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g Ethnic Beauty Site

BellaOnline's Ethnic Beauty Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Ethnic Beauty Site! These are the top ten articles that your Ethnic Beauty Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. Women of Color and the Beauty Industry
Women of Color, Ethnic beauty and Skin of Color are new terms in the beauty market. Would you believe that there was a time when women of color, especially if you were of the beautiful deeper shades, were not considered beautiful in the "Beauty Industry". Thing are changing ...

2. Bronzed and Beautiful, Ready for Warmer Weather?
What will it take to get your skin ready for the onslaught of heat and humidity? Not only will your skin care regimen deal with your face, your entire body is in focus here. The answer is simple, are you ready to take action?

3. Natural Skin Care for Skin of Color
Black don't crack? Guess Again! Skin of color is more sensitive than you know. So natural skin care products are worth a closer look when caring for your skin. You can begin your search in your own kitchen or pantry but test on a small portion of your skin before you go all the way.

4. Ethnic Skin Care Ingredient-Aloe Vera
Often referred to as the powerhouse ingredient, Aloe Vera is used in natural skin care formulations across the board. Find out what Aloe Vera can do for your skin.

5. Ethnic Beauty Newsletter Sign-up
Sign up for the Ethnic Beauty Newsletter to get the latest, skin care and beauty tips, natural skin care recipes, product reviews, and the best ingredients for your skin. Let's not miss an issue and sign up today.

6. Getting Rid of Dark Spots on Ethnic Skin
One of the biggest challenges with ethnic skin is dark spots. Learn how to treat them naturally and what ingredients to use to get beautiful flawless skin.

7. Skin Care Recipes for Acne
Finally, it's time to start using natural skin care recipes for acne that work! The following acne recipes are effective, natural and easy to make.

8. Skin Care Products for Women of Color
Ethnic beauties, Women of color, yes that's you. You've finally become top of mind in the beauty industry.

9. Eunice W. Johnson, Fashion Fair Icon
Read about the inspiring Eunice W. Johnson, a trailblazer, philanthropist, style icon and creator of the flawless Fashion Fair Cosmetics line.

10. Combination Skin Sense
A makeup artist extraordinaire discusses simple steps for managing combination skin. Take a look at what makeup guru Reggie Wells has to say...

Be sure to visit the Ethnic Beauty Archives for all the articles!


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g features
The Best Essential Oils for Mature Ethnic Beauties

How to Stay Cool & Stylish in Warmer Temps

Wellness Meets Ethnic Beauty in Home Decor

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