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H O M E   A N D   G A R D E N   E B O O K S

Home is where your heart is. Whether it's a shack or an apartment, a house or a condo, find ways to bring beauty into your life and nature into your world.

  F E A T U R E D   E B O O K S 

g Living Simply-Improve Your Life with Less Clutter

by Tina Razzell
Living Simply – Improve Your Life with Less Clutter is a collection of articles dealing with getting rid of clutter.

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g The Importance of Clean Water For Betta Fish

by Mary Brennecke
This book will really help you out in the area of Betta fish care. It will show you how to help your little fish live a longer, happier, healthier life and therefore so will you!

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  E B O O K   L I S T I N G 

Room by Room - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Sometimes it’s easy to tackle tasks one room at a time. This ebook breaks out ideas for you based on the room of the house. That way if you’re doing an organizing effort in a specific area you can do some green activities at the same time!
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Recycle Everything - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Sure, you know that you recycle your cardboard boxes and paper, and that you recycle your glass bottles. Plastic comes with neatly organized numbers to help you know which way to sort them. That is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to recycli
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Paper Recycling - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
One of the largest areas of waste in many households involves paper and printing. It's important to look into ways to minimize this influx, and to live a more green life.
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How to Design an English Garden
by Carol Chernega
Many people love the idea of an English garden, but they're not sure how to go about creating one. Use the ideas in this booklet, and you'll think you've been transported to England!
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Heating and Cooling - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Optimizing your heating and cooling systems is one of the most powerful things you can do in your quest to live a more green life. The amount of natural resources needlessly lost during heating and cooling can be mind boggling.
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Electricity - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Electricity might seem like a perfectly clean, almost magical power source that flows smoothly out of little holes in our walls. However, behind the scenes, most electricity is created by burning coal, nuclear power, and other resources.
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Cleaning Tips - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
There are so many basic cleaners that you can make which work wonderfully. You can create spray cleansers, window cleaners, stove-top scrubbers, and much more.
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Carbon Footprint - Green Living Series
by Lisa Shea
Knowing your carbon footprint is about knowing how much energy and pollution your daily activities cause to affect the Earth. If each of us watches over our carbon footprint numbers, together we can make our world a cleaner, healthier place to live.
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Chicken, Broccoli & Rice Bake Recipe

Chocolate Lover A Baking Book Cookbook Review

Hemming Basics


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
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