Mess Hall Chatter

A Salute to our Veterans
On this Veteran's Day, we need to salute our Veterans not just for servicing the country, but also for their all-giving altruistic hearts. Even the Veteran's children demonstrate that Altruistic Heart. Read it here.
Combat Tour Lengths - A Rough Comparison
The U.S. Army is back to 12 month combat tours again. How does this compare to the wars of yesteryear?
Korean War as a Model
55 years ago the Korean "War" officially ended with an armistice signed by North Korea, China, and the UN (the United States). Could Korea be a model for Iraq and Afghanistan?
Losing Our World War II Veterans
World War II Veterans in America are now passing away at a rate of about 1000 souls per day. Where would we be without their sacrifices?
Sad Sack
Lauded as one of the biggest morale builders of World War II, and many wars thereafter was Famous Comic 'Sad Sack'. It gave our Military lots of laughs when there were none to be had. Its creator George Baker was a hero to many.
That Dead Feeling - Can You Relate?
Many who go to combat make the decision to accept that their death is imminent and inevitable, and there isn't anything to do about it but focus on the mission. They flip that mental switch to steel themselves for combat. How do they switch back when their war is over?
The Veterans Newsletter
Keep abreast of all the latest Veterans and Military scuttlebutt through your email. Be among the first to know when new articles are published. We protect your name and email address as if it were our own, and you will never be spammed. Read more about it here.
The Music Of War - Past and Present
The decision to bring music to war is a personal one. Every Soldier, Sailor, Airman, and Marine has THE album or THE song that gets him or her through tough days and sometimes-tougher nights.
Veteran Suicide Epidemic?
A question has been floating around in the media ether for the past few months concerning an "epidemic" in suicides from returning OIF and OEF Veterans.
Veterans Treatment Court
The city of Buffalo, New York has found an unprecedented way to deal with Veterans in its courtrooms. Is it an experiment that will lead to similar situations throughout the United States?
Veterans Unemployment Rate High
The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) launched a report this week outlining unemployment numbers for Veterans. Surprise, surprise the Veterans with the highest unemployment rate are Veterans who have served since 2001.
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