Support and Advocacy

Alternatives to Nestle at Halloween
Supporting the Nestle Boycott can be difficult at Halloween. Here's some tips on avoiding Nestle and alternatives to buying and giving out Nestle products to trick-or-treaters.
Are Breastfeeders Better Mothers?
This article explores the sometimes contentious exchanges and feelings between breastfeeders and bottle feeders.
Breastfeeding and Conscious Parenting
I've often remarked that Breastfeeding is the "gateway drug" to conscious parenting. An exploration of how breastfeeding may lead to other child-centered parenting choices.
Breastfeeding and Feminism
Very few women would put breastfeeding as high on the list of accomplishments or priorities of the feminist movement. And yet, for many women breastfeeding represents one of the most empowering experiences of their lives, and one which defined them as a powerful women and mothers.
Breastfeeding and Guilt
Breastfeeding advocates and breastfeeding mothers often find it challenging to talk about the benefits and rewards of breastfeeding without accusations of being judgmental or making other mothers feel guilty. My thoughts on this complex issue.
Breastfeeding and Guilt [offsite link]
This article is by Dr. Jack Newman. "One of the most powerful arguments many health professionals, government agencies and formula company manufacturers make for not promoting and supporting breastfeeding is that we should ´not make the mother feel guilty for not breastfeeding´". Dr. Newman explains why this argument is not valid.
Breastfeeding and Health Care Costs
Explores the goal on an April 2010 study in Pediatrics exploring the public health benefits of a 90% exclusive breastfeeding rate for the first 6 months of life. Discusses the kinds of support and education needed to meet this goal.
Breastfeeding and the Law
Should American mothers be required to breastfeed for six months as suggested by supermodel Gisele Bundchen? Are Indonesian moms imprisonsed for refusing to nurse their babies? What is the releationship between breastfeeding and public policy? My thoughts on breastfeeding and the law in America.
Breastfeeding and the Nestle Boycott
Why do many breastfeeding advocates support a boycott of Nestle products? Is Nestle in violation of the World Health Organization code on marketing infant formula? Should you boycott Nestle products?
Breastfeeding Friendly Baby Showers
Throwing a baby shower for a mother who plans to breastfeed should pass on images of bottles and pacifiers. Why bottles and pacifiers are subversive images and suggestions for decor alternatives.
Breastfeeding Help Matters – Why I Write
As I near my 5-year anniversary at BellaOnline, a letter from a mother reminded me why I write about breastfeeding and why breastfeeding help matters.
Breastfeeding in Literature – Jean Auel
Jean Auel, in her epic Earth's Children (Clan of the Cavebear) books includes many descriptions of breastfeeding in inspiring and educational ways.
Breastfeeding Other People's Children
A reflection on societal attitutes towards cross-nursing, or breastfeeding another person's child.
Breastfeeding Photos on Facebook
Literally hundreds of thousands of users protest Facebook's removal of breastfeeding photos from user pages. A description of Facebook's policies on breastfeeding photos, and my thoughts on the debate regarding breastfeeding photos on Facebook.
California Lactation Consultation Coverage Vetoed
My thoughts on Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's veto of California Assembly Bill AB513, providing for coverage of lacation consultation services and breast pumps for nursing mothers and babies.
California Workplace Lactation Notification Vetoed
In October 2009, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California failed mothers and children with the veto of two breastfeeding advocacy bills, including California Senate Bill SB257 regarding notification of lactation accommodations for state employees.
Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding
On January 20,2011, the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Regina M. Benjamin announced a "Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding."
Celebrate World Breastfeeding Week
Five ways the average, busy mother, whether currently nursing or not, can celebrate World Breastfeeding Week and spread the word on the importance of breast milk for babies.
Do Nurse-Ins Work?
A nurse-in, sometimes also called a nursing flash mob, is when a group of breastfeeding mothers deliberately gathers with their nursing babies in a public place to breastfeed. They call attention to political issues surrounding breastfeeding and nursing in public. Are they effective?
Encouraging Friends to Breastfeed
For those of us who have experienced successful breastfeeding, it's sometimes hard to know how to be supportive and encouraging with pregnant friends and new mothers. How best can we help others we know and love to share in the joy that we have found through breastfeeding?
IBFAN [offsite link]
The International Baby Food Action Network is a partnership of over 150 groups in over 90 countries, and is growing all the time. An aim of all groups is improving infant health through the protection of breastfeeding. Implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and subsequent World Health Assembly Resolutions relating to infant nutrition is a key part of IBFAN´s work.
INFACT Canada [offsite link]
Infant Feeding Action Coalition (INFACT) Canada, a nonprofit, non-governmental organization, works to promote optimal infant and maternal health through the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding. INFACT Canada is the North American representative for IBFAN. You can get info on the Nestle boycott here. You must see their great breastfeeding posters.
Jennifer Lopez Not Breastfeeding Sets Bad Example
I was disappointed to read in the March '07 People magazine that Jennifer Lopez had chosen not to even attempt breastfeeding her twins. But to imply that it was an educated decision based on what is best for her babies is, in my option, simply irresponsible. Here's my musings on the topic...
Michelle Obama Promotes Breastfeeding
As part of her “Let’s Move” campaign to reduce childhood obesity, First Lady Michelle Obama has made the important connection to breastfeeding. Her focus on support and education for women who want to breastfeed succeed is a refreshing approach.
Nursing in Public Advocacy
A discussion of contemporary challenges experienced by those nursing in public, and how the internet has influenced response and public perception.
Organizations that Support Breastfeeding
ProMoM: Promotion of Mother´s Milk, Inc. [offsite link]
Home of "101 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Child" and "The Three Minute Activist." This site also includes over 50 breastfeeding articles, an art gallery and discussion forums.
Responses to Breastfeeding Criticism
Strategies for dealing with criticism of breastfeeding and related childcare choices in a positive and constructive manner.
Responses to Opponents of Public Breastfeeding
Responses to common objections to public breastfeeding, from the serious to the absurd. For those opposed as well as those having to deal with those opposed to nursing in public.
The Gap Year - Book Review
The Gap Year by Sarah Bird is an emotional tale of a mother dealing with her daughter's transition into adult life, with the unusual bonus of a main character who is a professional lactation consultant. Breastfeeding is used a nice metaphor for control and intention in parenting.
The Right to Breastfeed in Public
A perspective on attitudes towards breastfeeding in public, inspired by the harrassment of a North Carolina mother nursing at a local employment office.
There are No Breastfeeding Nazis
"Breastfeeding Nazi" is an extremely offensive (and inaccurate) term. Through awareness of the implications of this insult, perhaps we can stop its casual and needless use in our society.
WABA - World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action [offsite link]
WABA is a global network of organizations and individuals who believe breastfeeding is the right of all children and mothers and who dedicate themselves to protect, promote and support this right. WABA acts on the Innocenti Declaration and works in liaison with UNICEF. WABA coordinates World Breastfeeding Week each year and the Mother-Friendly Workplace initiative, among other things.
Wal-Mart Angers Nursing Mom in South Carolina
In Columbia, South Carolina, it was reported that a nursing mother, Heather Silvis, was recently moved into a dressing room by the employees of a Richland County Wal-Mart, in violation of state law, and in a particularly unacceptable fashion. I could not be more livid about this incident.
Watch Your Language! [offsite link]
This article is by Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC. It´s reprinted from the Journal of Human Lactation, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1996. Don´t miss it - it can really change the way you think - and talk - about breastfeeding.
What is a Nurse-In?
Now and again nursing mothers gather in public in what is generally referred to a nurse-in, or nursing flash mob. What exactly is a nurse-in, what is the point, and why do some see them as controversial?
Why I'm Thankful for Breastfeeding
My top reasons I'm thankful for the experience of breastfeeding my daughters.
Links marked with the [offsite link] designation point to websites not associated with is not responsible for the material found there.
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