
AD/HD Homework Challenges Transformed Review
If you are in need of homework help, AD/HD Homework Challenges Transformed! by Harriet Hope Green can do the job. It's like having an expert tutor at your elbow giving you advice about how to help your child get through those hours of homework. Misery turns to joy when you use these activities.
ADD and Loving It Review
The professionals who give the lowdown on Attention Deficit Disorder on the documentary, “ADD and Loving It!” are not ambiguous. Untreated Attention Deficit Disorder can wreak havoc with your life. But they intersperse the facts with a lively dose of humor, which gives the viewer a sense of hope.
ADD and When You are Engulfed in Flames
Have you ever felt that your life was such a hot mess that you might spontaneously combust? When everything is too hot to handle in your real life, why not relax and revive with a good book? David Sedaris’ book, When You are Engulfed in Flames is a quietly funny and very adult book.
ADD Resources Website Review
Have you been able to find good information about adult Attention Deficit Disorder? It's difficult! Most of what is written is about kids with ADD. Attention Deficit Disorder Resources is an amazing website! It is filled with information about ADD, and most of it relates to adults with ADD!
Attention Deficit Disorder Association Review
A benefit of doing research for articles is coming across meaningful collections of resources for my readers. The Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) has a real sweetheart of a website. It is filled with information to help adults with Attention Deficit Disorder live strength-based lives.
Building School Success with ADD EBook Review
Does your child with ADD dread school? Building School Success with ADD is an EBook that goes beyond school interventions to help children be more successful in school. Using a holistic approach, this book also helps parents become more effective advocates for their child in the school setting.
Commanding Attention Book Review
With research as a basis for her practical suggestions, Tess Messer uses her book, Commanding Attention, to lead readers on a journey through up-to-date information about treatments and their efficacy for ADD/ADHD. I recommend this book for its helpful content, clear organization, and ease of use.
Delivered from Distraction with ADD Book Review
Delivered from Distraction, by Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. and John J. Ratey, M.D. is written from the perspective of personal and professional experience with ADD. Both doctors have ADD and have been active in the practice of helping people with ADD live their best possible lives. Highly recommended!
Diary of a Social Detective Review
Johnny, known to all of the kids as “Johnny Strange,” has a problem. He doesn’t have friends, and he keenly feels his solitary state. Lonely beyond belief, Johnny doesn’t understand social interactions. What can he do? Johnny uses his love of mysteries to learn to solve his own social mysteries.
Ella Autie Book with Autism Information
When there's a dual diagnosis of ADD and autism, regular readers of this site already have a lot of information about ADD/ADHD, but they might not know as much about autism. A great way to quickly get a lot of information about autism is with a 68 page book called Ella Autie by Catlaina Vrana.
HealthInsite Direct Australia ADD or ADHD Review
Explore the many excellent articles and resources in the HealthInsite Direct Australia ADD or ADHD website.
Hidden Curriculum Getting and Keeping a Job
Filled with practical advice, The Hidden Curriculum of Getting and Keeping a Job: Navigating the Social Landscape of Employment by Brenda Smith Myles, PhD., Judy Endow, MSW, and Malcolm Mayfield, BS Civil Eng., explores every hidden facet of finding a job and keeping a job. This book is easy to use.
How to Reach and Teach Children with ADD/ADHD
If I could only have one book in my library about Attention Deficit Disorder, it would be Sandra F. Rief’s comprehensive book, How to Reach and Teach Children with ADD/ADHD. This book is a complete reference for parents and educators. My review tells about the content in each section.
Kindle Review-A Device for Adults with ADD
Would you like to save space in your home? The Kindle Fire can take on so many electronic roles, such as streaming video, storing and playing music, and surfing the net. Store over 1,000 books in a Kindle and reduce the clutter around your home. One device does so much in a small amount of space!
LDOnline Review
What does ADD have to do with reading disabilities? New research shows that they can occur together. Learn about LDOnline, a website dedicated to providing practical, well written and relevant information about both ADD/ADHD and Learning Disabilities. Find resources that are tailored to your needs!
Living Simply Improve Your Life Book Review
It’s that time of year when our thoughts turn to cleaning. But where to start? Kitchen? Closets? The garage? Oh my! The clutter is everywhere! Now is the time to read the book Living Simply-Improve Your Life With Less Clutter by Tina Razzell.
Quinn at School Book Review
Children with Attention Deficit Disorder and other kids with neurological differences may have many social challenges. These children, ages 3-7, can benefit from Quinn at School: Relating, Connecting, and Responding at School. This book, by Rick H. Warren, teaches social skills to young children.
Sidetracked Home Executives
Often a house that’s a screaming mess stands in the way of peace, harmony, and freedom. With Attention Deficit Disorder, sometimes it is hard to implement a housecleaning plan. If you have reached the end of your housecleaning rope, read Sidetracked Home Executives and calm your household chaos.
Social Rules for Kids Book Review
When it comes to teaching young teens about social rules, it doesn't get any better than this! Social Rules for Kids, by Susan Diamond, tells 100 important social rules that kids need to succeed. Then, she gives a solid method for achieving success in learning the rules and putting them into action
Start Homeschooling by Tina Razzell Book Review
Many children with Attention Deficit Disorder have problems in school. Parents want an alternative, but worry about homeschooling. If you are considering homeschooling your child who has ADD, read Tina Razzell’s excellent book, Start Homeschooling – Great Education with Your Child at Home.
Superparenting for ADD Book Review
There is a simple message in this book. As a parent, you can help your child who has Attention Deficit Disorder “unwrap the gifts” that he was born with. Sometimes people with ADD have trouble unwrapping their gifts. Drs. Hallowell and Jensen teach how to help children use these natural abilities.
The Hidden Curriculum and ADD
Social rules are often unstated. People learn them by observation as small children. What happens if you don’t learn them? People who don’t learn these rules have all areas of their lives impacted by negative interactions with others. Learn what the “hidden curriculum” is and how it can be taught.
The Hidden Curriculum Revised and Expanded Review
Some teens and young adults seem to know what to do in social situations; others seem clueless about social events. The Hidden Curriculum for Understanding Unstated Rules in Social Situations for Adolescents and Young Adults by Myles, Trautman, and Schelvan gives guidance for social interactions.
The National Resource Center on ADHD Review
Where do you go to get the facts about Attention Deficit Disorder? BellaOnline's ADD site provides a personal perspective.The National Resource Center on ADHD is a comprehensive and easily accessible collection of information about ADD/ADHD. It is the BellaOnline ADD Website of the Month.
The One-Minute Organizer Book Review
On a scale of 1-10, with a perfect 10 meaning really organized, where are you on the scale? The One-Minute Organizer by Donna Smallin will help you trend closer to the 10 than the 1! With over 200 pages of easy-to-read tips, this is a must-read for anybody who wants to organize their life and space. Website Review for ADD is a wonderful resource! They have thousands of resources for folks with attention difficulties and learning problems. This applies to many people with Attention Deficit Disorder, since learning disabilities and ADD tend to travel together. Kids who have one, often have the other.
Wait Wait Don't Tell Me News Quiz Review
“Wait, Wait,… Don’t Tell Me!” is a fast-paced program that is just perfect for the person with ADD who also loves the news and current events. Creatively presented by NPR, the news is the star of the show, but the panelists and announcers are hilarious!
When My Worries Get Too Big Book Review
How many kids do you know with Attention Deficit Disorder who don’t live with anxiety? I know very few. Anxiety and ADD go hand-in-hand for many children, especially in the classroom.
White Noise for Sleep and ADD
People with ADD often have sleep problems. When you wake in the morning do you feel rested or tired and frustrated? Is it difficult to get to sleep and stay asleep because of noise? Maybe a white noise generator could help you. This is a review of the white noise machine that saved my sanity!
Wrightslaw and Attention Deficit Disorder Review
How do you become a top-notch advocate for your child and family? Pete and Pam Wright have the answers in their website, Learn what it takes to be an effective advocate. The information presented in is solid, well-written, and useful.
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