Exotic Mammals

Alpha Male is a Fairytale
There is much training material based on untrue and obsolete research on wolves and the alpha male. We were wrong about the gerbil. What else are we doing wrong raising and training our exotic pet, dog, or cat. Learn how to properly raise and train any animal. They must be healthy, happy, and safe.
Animals That Serve
Few people realize that exotic animals can help people with disabilities lead a happier and richer life; allowing them independence they would not have had without these service exotic animals. Miniature horses, monkeys to ferrets, allow the dignity these folks ought to have.
Armadillo - Armadillos - As Pets
Yes, many people have a pet armadillo. If you are considering armadillos as pets realize they have very special needs. The only species found in the United States is the Nine Banded armadillo. Learn to care for this exotic pet, find armadillo breeders and armadillos for sale.
Bow to Me for I am the Domestic Skunk
I the domestic skunk; am back by popular demand – you can bow now, I want to introduce myself. I am a pet skunk. I am unique, I am very intelligent, and I can be stubborn. But, you will adore me. Ha! The eccentric for the eccentric!
Cages for Rabbits
Curious fingers and nimble toes a common factor in all exotic pets! Make sure you pick out a safe cage for your rabbit. Cage safety is perhaps one of the most important factors in preparing for your new pet rabbit.
Chausie - Chausie Cat
Chausie cats are intelligent, sweet, loyal, and energetic. Often I hear the term dog like (personality) as a descriptive phrase for the the Chausie cat. They enjoy playing fetch and retrieve. Most enjoy the water. For the right home and human family this domestic cat makes a perfectly charming pet.
Pet chinchillas are intelligent, and sweet. They are reasonably easy to care for. They do need a large, tall cage, with multiple layers. The chinchilla has an advanced herd social structure it is necessary to be knowledgeable about introducing a new chinchilla to another chinchilla.
Chinchilla Food Treats and Grooming
The chinchilla has special dietary needs; they cannot be fed pellets meant for other rodents or rabbit pellets. They must have hay, preferably Timothy hay to aid in their digestion. They must have calcium; a good form would be a cuttlefish bone for a bird. They may die if you give them treats.
Civet Coffee - Kopi Luwak
Do you want to know what the best coffee in the world is? The most expensive coffee in the world? The caviar of coffee it is also low in caffeine. An exotic pet must be thanked for this remarkable coffee, once thought to be a myth - civet coffee called Kopi Luwak also known as poop coffee!
Civets - Civet Cat
A civet or civet cat is a beautiful long-tailed spotted critter. When acquired young they are quite tamable and can be a great pet for the right person. They aren�t good fashion coordinators because they wear clashing spots with strips. Civets make the best cup of coffee in the world.
Clone Your Own Exotic Pets - Cloning
Exotic Pets have already been cloned. Are you aware of the two domestic ferrets, Lilly and Libby that have been cloned? What is a clone? Under what circumstances is cloning ethical?
Coatimundi - Pet Coatimundi
The coatimundi or coati can be a great exotic pet for some people. The coati can be very affectionate but are highly active and can be destructive. The coati is active in the day and is an omnivore. Find coati breeders and learn to take care of the coatimundi. Enjoy coatimondi pictures.
Dietary Needs - Death by Ignorance
Reptiles aren’t the only animals that benefit from an insect diet. I have found that using a 50%-50% insect and plant matter diet greatly enhances an exotic mammal’s heath, especially the skunk. This alleviates some of the problems found in skunks. But, the quality of purchased insects is awful.
Easter Bunny
Pet rabbits are great for the right people. However, no holiday including Easter is the time to bring home a new pet or exotic pet. How to care for the pet rabbit; just not the Easter bunny! Would a rabbit be the right pet for you and your family? Did you know that rabbits don't like to be held?
Easter Bunny
Pet rabbits are great for the right people. However, no holiday including Easter is the time to bring home a new pet or exotic pet. How to care for the pet rabbit. Just not the Easter bunny! Would a rabbit be the right pet for you and your family? Did you know that rabbits don´t like to be held?
Euthanasia - Our Little Ferret has Died
It seems a bit paradoxical that one of my exotic pet ferrets is dying while I am writing and publishing the ferret series. All I know is Missy has been my friend, my companion, a friend who has shown me nothing but unconditional love from the day we brought her home. Euthanasia a hard decision.
Euthanasia Our Little Ferret has Died
All I know is Missy has been my friend, my companion, a friend who has shown me nothing but unconditional love from the day we brought her home. Euthanasia a hard decision. Now Missy is gone and my heart is heavy.
Exotic Pet Survey
According to the AVMA and the USDA, no one has ever done such a study, and as an exotic pet owner myself, I see a great need for it. The general public only hears about the abuses, maulings and escapes, so most people tend to believe everyone who owns an exotic pet has a malnourished lion...
Exotic Pets - Hedgehog - Skunk - Sugar Glider
This is the end of the What Pet Do You Choose series, at least for now. In this article we discuss the pet skunk, the pet sugar glider, and the pet hedgehog. All three of these animals can make wonderful exotic pets.
Exotic Pets - Wild Animals - Besotted Fools
Wild animals are, always had been, and hopefully will always be part of our lives. I am often told that wild animals don’t belong with humans. I disagree. I firmly believe we learn humanity through animals. Included are sensational lion pictures and tiger pictures, including some amazing videos.
Exotic Pets Finally the Truth
Are you ready to learn the truth about Exotic Pets? "I think that if real information is gotten and published, rather than sensational 'attacks' and random misinformation, it can only be good for both the animals and their owners." Gabrielle Collins who is doing PHD dissertation Exotic Pet Survey
Fainting Goats - Exotic Pets
Is it possible a fainting goat is real? Do they really become stiff legged and plop over on their side when frightened? Do they make good exotic pets? MythBusters from Discovery Channel took on the myth. What did they discover? See Fainting Goat images and a Fainting Goat video! Don't miss it :)
Ferret - Pet Ferrets
A ferret guide to help you learn ferret facts and ferret care. Pet ferrets are special animals and bring a tremendous amount of joy but ferrets as pets do have their downfalls. This is part of the What Pet Do I Choose series. Everything from breeding ferrets to baby ferrets (kits).
Ferret Supplies
Ferret supplies - the exotic pet is quite different from other pets. Certain products are essential to their health and safety. Ferrets are no different than other exotic pet in needing certain essential items for their health, safety, and happiness.
Ferrets - Pet Ferret
Learn about ferrets. Learn how to care for the pet ferret. The ferret is a fun and loveable pet that has gained a great deal of popularity. Ferrets are remarkably sweet, intelligent, and funny animals.
Ferrets - Ferrets as Pets
This is the beginning of an extensive series on the pet ferret. Ferrets are the third most popular pet. I think you will find this ferret series interesting and informative. Where did the domestic ferret originate? You may be surprised! Will eating grains, plants, or vegetables harm them?
Ferrets - Training Ferrets
Training ferrets is easy when you are patient and consistent, from teaching ferrets tricks, biting, litter box training, to everything else. This is part of the continuing series on pet ferrets! Ferret training can be simple!
Ferrets and California
Some of the evidence California has come up with to keep the ferret illegal is as close to lies (showing they have their own personal agenda) as it can possibly get. I think I will continue to go through their mountain of trash over time. This is highly amusing.
Ferrets: A Complete Guide - My 1st. EBook
Ferrets: A Complete Guide is the first EBook I have written, and is for novice ferret owners, experienced ferret owners, and people that are considering a ferret for the first time. Great as a reference guide or a standalone care book for ferrets.
Finger Monkey Pygmy Marmoset
A tiny monkey hanging on to my finger does sound pleasantly cute and intriguing. The so called finger monkey weighs all of a half of an ounce at birth. Enjoy the pictures of the darling little pygmy marmoset. In reality what is the finger monkey? New article link how to care for the Pygmy Marmoset.
Flying Squirrel - Flying Squirrel as a Pet
The pet flying squirrel will form a very strong bond with their human companion if this bonding begins early.
Genet - Pet Genet
The Small Spotted Genet or the Common Genet is a popular exotic pet. They have many characteristics with the common house cat or the civet. They sport a spotted body and a ringed tail. They are agile, great climbers, highly intelligent, and curious. They are able to stand on their two front legs…
Halloween Costumes for Pets
Pet Halloween costumes are the new rage! Pets dressed as people, children dressed as animals, exotic pets and pets dressed alike. How to make a homemade costume for your pet, or if you're not so crafty purchase a Halloween pet costume! I have included some darling pet videos and pictures. Cute!
Halloween Costumes for Pets
Pet Halloween costumes are the new rage! Pets dressed as people, children dressed as animals, exotic pets and pets dressed alike. How to make a homemade costume for your pet, or if you´re not so crafty purchase a Halloween pet costume! I have included some darling pet videos and pictures. Cute!
Hamster as a Pet
Information and care instructions for the pet hamster.Hamsters can be excellent pets. My children and myself have had many happy experiences with hamsters. Hamsters should be purchased between the ages of four and seven weeks of age. When the hamster is purchased young they are easier to tame and handle.
Hamster Bonding and Health Issues
Learn how to bond with your pet hamster as well as keeping him or her safe and healthy.
Hedgehog - Pet Hedgehog
The hedgehog is a wonderful little pet. They are a nocturnal animal and it maybe better if you're not the early to bed type of person. You would only end up with enough time to wave a friendly hello to your little pet. Their quills are not sharp like a porcupine; the feel is more like a hair brush.
Hedgehog as a Pet
The hedgehog is a wonderful little pet. They are a nocturnal animal and it maybe better if you´re not the early to bed type of person. You would only end up with enough time to wave a friendly hello to your little pet. Their quills are not sharp like a porcupine; the feel is more like a hair brush.
How to make Halloween Costumes for Pets
Pet Halloween costumes are the new rage! Pets dressed as people, children dressed as animals, exotic pets, and pets dressed to look like each other. Keep it simple and easy. Pictures included.
Hybrid Cats - Designer Cats
Hybrid or designer cats are climbing the popularity charts. A cat that is often described as much dog like as cat like is also depicted as loyal. Exactly what are hybrid cats or designer cats? This article is the precursor to the hybrid cat series, the Bengal, Chausie, Safari, and Savannah cat.
Kinkajous - Pet Kinkajous
The sweet docile kinkajous with the velvety feeling fur is about as cute as animal as an animal can get - maybe the bush baby is as cute. The Kinkajou originate from the rainforest and lives mostly on fruit, flowers, and nectar. The pet kinkajous looks and acts like the animals from Avatar.
Litter Box Stench
One question I often hear or see in email is why did my pet stopped using his or her litter box. The answer may intrigue you. Here is the answer to that question, you will also learn to control odor, and learn litter box training for many types of pets or exotic pets. Get rid of that awful stench!
Mice as pets
The mouse, or since they are very social, mice are great pets. They are intelligent and have a sweet nature. Mice are one of the animals that have been domesticated the longest; over 10,000 years. They are an immensely popular pet.
Micro Pig - TeaCup Pig - Mini Pig
The latest pet craze in the United Kingdom is the Micro Pig, Mini Pig, or Teacup Pig! I assure you that we will be hearing a lot more about the micro-pig in the United States very soon. This small pig is said to make a loving pet. How to take care of a Micro-Pig or Teacup Pig.
Mini Pig Teacup Pig at the Golden Globes?
When the word got out that mini pigs teacup pigs were going to be given out to the stars that receive the swag bag gifts; little tokens to remember the 67th Annual Golden Globe Awards. This is totally and utterly irresponsible! Update to the Micro-Pig TeaCup Pig article.
Miniature Donkey - Miniature Donkeys - Pets
Did you know that donkeys had a natural tendency to be a guard animal? Not all but most. Miniature donkeys love attention and will go out of their way to get that attention. See baby miniature donkeys! As with other herd animals they must live with their own kind to keep them from becoming lonely.
Miniature Pot-Bellied Pig
Not every exotic pet is for everybody. While the Miniature Pot-Belly Pig is intelligent, cute, and sensitive they can also be stubborn and headstrong. How to care for your Miniature Pot Belly Pig.
Mongoose - Mongoose as a Pet
The mongoose can make a loveable pet if socialized from a kit. It is possible to find mongooses for sale and mongoose breeders. Many countries do not allow them as pets.
Mongoose - Mongoose as a Pet
The mongoose can make a lovable pet if socialized from a kit. It is possible to find mongooses for sale and mongoose breeders. Many countries do not allow them as pets. Start by learning if they are legal in your country and then check local government laws. Learn about diet and vaccinations.
Monkey - Pet Monkeys
Exotic pet monkeys can be a huge commitment. The monkey can be impulsive, intelligent, and unpredictable. How to properly care for monkeys. Enjoy monkey pictures. Find monkey breeders that breed and sell everything from the spider monkey to the capuchin monkey. Find monkeys for sale.
Patagonian Cavy
The Patagonian Cavy is probably one of the sweetest most gentle of pets you will find. The cavy is a highly social animal and are not a pet for a person that must be gone much of the time. Exotic pet Patagonian Cavies can be trained to use the litter box, leash trained, and more.
Pet Monkey - Choices - Exotic Pets
How do you care for a pet monkey? How much is a monkey? Where would you find monkeys for sale? Is it possible to find monkey breeders? Be very weary of where you buy your monkey. A monkey cage is required by law to be safe and secure. This article is not about ethics. Enjoy baby monkey pictures.
Pet Rats, Hamsters, Gerbils and Mice
If you or your children want a pet, and perhaps you live in an apartment, what kind of pet should you consider? The rodent could perchance be the pet for any circumstance.
Pet Unicorn - Care
One of the exotic pets I enjoy the most is my pet unicorn. I have included unicorn pictures. Unicorns are outstanding pets. Learn how to care for pet unicorns and other unicorn facts that are important to learn before you raise a unicorn. They have strict dietary needs.
Prairie Dog - Prairie Dogs as a Pet
Why are exotic pet prairie dog popular as pets? Because, when acquired young they are delightful, social little critters that make wonderful companions. I just spent two weeks submersed in the prairie dog world and I have to admit I am smitten. However, there is a ban on prairie dogs I disagree with
Pygmy Goats - Pygmy Goat as a Pet
An pygmy goat is one of the most animated and gregarious pets you will ever have. Pygmy goats are sweet and affectionate and will certainly add to you and your family’s enjoyment of life. Baby (kid) picture available! The babies or kids will weigh from 2-4 pounds at birth. The pygmy goat as a pet.
Pygmy Jerboa as a Pet
Information and care instructions on the pet Pygmy Jerboa. This little fellow looks like a bird with its long legs, a mouse because of cuteness and size, a kangaroo because it can hop long distances; nah I am sticking with the alien theory. The jerboa is conjuring such statements as the “cutest animal ever.” The magical demeanor of the Pygmy Jerboa seems to have the world entirely smitten.
Pygmy Marmoset
A tiny monkey hanging on to my finger does sound pleasantly cute and intriguing. The so-called finger monkey weighs all of a half of an ounce at birth. In reality, what is the finger monkey?
Pygmy Marmosets - Pet Pygmy Marmosets
Imagine a tiny primate running through the trees, much like a squirrel, capable of jumping 16 feet, has very sharp teeth and claws, mainly eats gums and resins; some people have Pygmy Marmosets as pets! There are Pygmy Marmoset breeders in the United States.
Pygmy Marmosets - Pet Pygmy Marmosets
Imagine a tiny primate running through the trees, much like a squirrel, capable of jumping 16 feet, has very sharp teeth and claws, mainly eats gums and resins; some people have Pygmy Marmosets as pets! There are Pygmy Marmoset breeders in the United States. How to care for the Pet Pygmy Marmoset.
Rabbit as a Pet
Nothing much beats the feeling of a wiggly nose in the neckshoulder. This is a body part you develop only when you have had a baby or when you have a pet rabbit. Rabbits are not a object you give as a gift nor should one be bought on impulse. How to care for the pet rabbit.
Rabbit Supplies
Learning about a new exotic pet and everything an exotic pet needs isn’t an easy task. I have put together the basic necessities of what a rabbit will need. Don’t skimp on the rabbit cage, they need the space. Stay away from the rabbit pellets that commercial rabbit breeder’s use.
Rabbits - Pet Rabbits
Nothing much beats the feeling of a wiggly nose in the neckshoulder. This is a body part you develop only when you have had a baby or when you have a pet rabbit. Rabbits are not a object you give as a gift nor should one be bought on impulse. How to care for the pet rabbit.
Raccoon - Pet Raccoon
The raccoon is intelligent, mischievous, fun, in addition destructive, may bite, and scratch. You will also see part of my pet raccoon family that I adore; lots of cute raccoon pictures. I personally love these exotic pets, everything about them, their personalities, their antics, even their odor.
Rats as Pets
Rats make sweet pets. They are excellent beginner pets for children. Especially, kids during the stage where they need a trusted friend. Young children should be supervised around the rat.
Savannah Cat - Savannah Cats
Savannahs Do Make Great Pets, Don’t believe BCR’s Hype (Big Cat Rescue).
I’ve been a cat breeder for a few years now. I breed Savannah cats, an exciting new domestic breed of cat accepted by the International Cat Association (TICA) and one of their fastest growing new breeds.
Saving Pet’s Lives - Hot Cars - CPR – First Aid
If you find an animal in a hot car what do you do? How do you save pets or exotic pets from heat stroke? How do you perform CPR on animals? How do you find a pulse on an animal? Learn pet first aid and CPR skills for animals. Learn how to induce vomiting. Pets can choke too!
Skunk - Pet Skunks
The pet skunk and their personalities are the most interesting of any exotic pets I have ever had. Here you will find skunk care, where to buy pet skunks and other exotic pets for sale, pet adoption, skunk pictures, and many aspects of this exotic pet you may have not considered.
Skunk as a Pet
The skunk has been raised domestically for over 100 years. Their personalities are the most interesting of any exotic pet I have ever had. The domestic skunk is very intelligent and witty. How can a skunk be witty you ask?
Skunk Baby Season
Skunk Baby Season is approaching. Have you considered a skunk as a pet? Skunks are a unique animal. They can be destructive and stubborn. The skunk can also be a delightful pet - if you understand their nature and specific care requirements. Learn how to raise and care for a baby skunk.
Skunk Smell - How to Remove Skunk Odor
Skunk sense for skunk scents. It is time to get outside and go for walks with your animals. If you run into a skunk you may want to know how to get rid of the skunk smell. Maybe your dog got sprayed and got into the house before you could stop it; you will learn to remove skunk odor from the house.
Skunks Need PR Consultant
Of all pets, the skunk is the pet in the most need of serious public relations work. Here is a sweet, extremely intelligent, and delightful animal and people can only visualize the stinky spray and rabies. First of all there hasn’t been an incident of a skunk transmitting rabies since 1984.
Sloth – Pet Sloths
This is an animal where you can take everything I have written and that I have taught you and throw most of it out the window; it likely doesn’t apply to the sloth. I think you will find this potential exotic pet very interesting.
Sloth – Pet Sloths
This is an animal where you can take everything I have written and that I have taught you and throw most of it out the window; it likely doesn’t apply to the sloth. I think you will find this potential exotic pet very interesting.
Small Spotted Genet - Common Genet as Pets
The Small Spotted Genet or the Common Genet is a popular exotic pet. They have many characteristics with the common house cat or the civet. They sport a spotted body and a ringed tail. They are agile, great climbers, highly intelligent, and curious.
Squirrel - Pet Squirrel
Squirrels are wonderful little critters and I love them dearly. I have my doubts on how many people could live with a pet squirrel in their home. It certainly wouldn’t be fair to cage the pet squirrel. Their eating habits need polishing; they rarely will use a litter box. The Squirrel as a pet.
Striped Skunk
Striped skunks do not carry rabies. This is a dangerous myth. The striped skunk can become infected with rabies like any other warm-blooded mammal. A skunk helps with rat and pest control keeping disease in check. Learn how to keep skunks away from your house, also how to remove skunk smell.
The Latest in Popular Pets - Skunks
What is the latest in popular pets? Pet skunks or the striped skunk. They are raised domestically, have their stinkers removed and they can be potty trained. They have pleasant personalities, they are quiet; as in they don’t bark at the neighbors. They are cuddly and soft. Baby skunks are adorable!
The Latest in Popular Pets - Skunks
What is the latest in popular pets? Pet skunks or the striped skunk. They are raised domestically, have their stinkers removed and they can be potty trained. They have pleasant personalities, they are quiet; as in they don’t bark at the neighbors. They are cuddly and soft. Baby skunks are adorable!
Tiger - Tigers - Tigers as Pets
This is the first chapter about tigers and taking care of pet tigers. There are many people who have tigers as pets throughout the world. I am aware of the strong feelings about keeping or not keeping tigers captive. This article is written from a neutral viewpoint of having tigers as pets.
Tiger Hugger
It is my pleasure to introduce guest author Zuzana Kukol of Rexano.org; her pets include tigers and a lion "I have been exotic animal owner for over 20 years. I started with reptiles and then added big cats over 15 years ago. People often ask me WHY do I have pet tigers or an African lion?"
Wolf - Loki's Story - Pet Wolves
I have known John Mattson for several years. His love and respect for animals has profoundly touched me. I deeply admired his relationship with his wolf Loki. I know you will enjoy John’s insight on wolves and his delightful humor! Enjoy the four part series beginning with Wolf – Loki’s Story.
Wolf – Loki’s Story - Pet Wolves
I have known John Mattson for several years. His love and respect for animals has profoundly touched me. I deeply admired his relationship with his wolf Loki. I know you will enjoy John’s insight on wolves and his delightful humor! Enjoy the four part series beginning with Wolf – Loki’s Story.
Zonkey - Zorse
New exotic pets craze? Cuter than a bug's ear, the offspring of a zebra and donkey; a zonkey. Or, a cross between the horse and zebra; a zorse. The newest rage? People are scampering to buy zebras to produce these hybrids. The question on many people's minds is it ethical? See pictures!
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