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Top Selling Ebooks

Wondering what is popular in the BellaOnline ebook library? Here are the current top sellers, always kept up to date!

g #11: Health and Beauty Recipes - Green Living Series

by Lisa Shea
Many skin care products are easily made at home with eco-friendly materials and for a far cheaper price. Look into making your own facial masks, shampoos, and lotions. You will not only save money but will have healthier skin and a healthier environm

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g #12: Introduction to Buddhism and Buddhist Meditation

by Lisa Erickson
The perfect way to explore the beautiful world of Buddhism! This FREE e-book covers the Buddha's life story, Buddhist history, major teachings, and meditation forms, with instructions. A great introduction!

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g #13: Reduce Stress Instantly

by Lisa Shea
These instant, use-immediately tips will help you reduce stress and regain calm.

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g #14: Cleaning Tips - Green Living Series

by Lisa Shea
There are so many basic cleaners that you can make which work wonderfully. You can create spray cleansers, window cleaners, stove-top scrubbers, and much more.

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g #15: Perfect Wedding Hair

by Lynne Chapman
Your wedding day is your special time and should be just the way you want it to be, a reflection of you. "Perfect Wedding Hair" is over 48 pages of great hairstyles and ideas for your wedding. On sale now for your Spring and Summer wedding.

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g #16: Quotes for Peace

by Lisa Shea
Enjoy this offering of fifty famous peace quotations. The peace quotes come from all areas of the world, all ages of history, and all walks of life. Perfect for finding inspiration each day.

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g #17: Time Management Course

by Lisa Shea
From Benjamin Franklin to Leonardo Da Vinci, from Mother Teresa to Oprah, every person on earth works within the same 24 hour time constraint in each day. This time management course will help you optimize every day, every hour, every minute.

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g #18: Study Tips

by Lisa Shea
Life is a continual learning process. There are software programs to learn, systems to navigate, and relationship hurdles to figure out. These easy study tips will save you time and boost your learning!

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g #19: Crockpot / Slow Cook Recipes

by Lisa Shea
This is the very first version of this slow-cook crockpot book. It currently has a starting set of 5 recipes in it. We slow cook all the time, so the question is what versions of recipes to put in here, out of those many options. Let us know!

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g #20: ASP Basic Introduction

by Lisa Shea
Interested in jazzing up your website? With ASP you can automate forms, create quizzes, build newsletter databases, run polls, develop message boards and much more!

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Embrace the Art of Natural Perfumes

Caring for Ethnic Skin Under Stress

Autumn in Door County


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