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Top Selling Ebooks

Wondering what is popular in the BellaOnline ebook library? Here are the current top sellers, always kept up to date!

g #21: Secrets to Falling Asleep

by Lisa Shea
Are you having trouble falling asleep? Do you lay awake watching the clock? These tips will get you into the land of ZZZZs!

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g #22: Food and Drink - Green Living Series

by Lisa Shea
Most of us have the need to eat food and drink water every day of our life. With the exception of fasts and other extraordinary situations, we each make decisions each day about what types of items we ingest to keep our body healthy. Make those choic

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g #23: Room by Room - Green Living Series

by Lisa Shea
Sometimes it’s easy to tackle tasks one room at a time. This ebook breaks out ideas for you based on the room of the house. That way if you’re doing an organizing effort in a specific area you can do some green activities at the same time!

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g #24: Learning to Say NO and Say YES to Your Dreams!

by Lisa Shea
One of our most precious commodities we have is time. By saying NO to some things, it leaves us the time to say YES when the perfect thing comes along. This is really about saying YES to the things you dream about.

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g #25: Knotwork Patterns

by Shala Kerrigan
Knotwork patterns for beaders in peyote stitch or brick stitch.

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g #26: Vegan RV Road Trip

by Erin Lehn
It's a breeze to create vegan meals in your RV with this cookbook chock full of delicious, easy to prepare vegan cuisine.

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g #27: Make Clothes for 18 Inch Dolls

by Helen B. Wharton
Patterns and instructions for six outfits plus underwear and accessories. Outfits include Spring Holiday Dress for American Girl Dolls as well as a dress for slender 18 inch dolls, bloomers, slip, bag, jewelry and scarf with hat.

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g #28: Low Carb Restaurant Reviews

by Lisa Shea
Eating Out and Eating Healthy used to be two different things. However, you can actually find really healthy foods at just about any restaurant, if you are wise! Here are guidelines on many popular restaurants.

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g #29: Recycle Everything - Green Living Series

by Lisa Shea
Sure, you know that you recycle your cardboard boxes and paper, and that you recycle your glass bottles. Plastic comes with neatly organized numbers to help you know which way to sort them. That is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to recycli

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g #30: Paper Recycling - Green Living Series

by Lisa Shea
One of the largest areas of waste in many households involves paper and printing. It's important to look into ways to minimize this influx, and to live a more green life.

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Happy Haunting At The Crescent Hotel & Spa

Drought Tolerant Potatoes

Chicken, Broccoli & Rice Bake Recipe


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
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