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Stronghold Builder's Guidebook Review
Noncash Treasures for Player Characters
Secret Organizations and Potential Masterminds
Populating Your World With Somebodies
Focused Prep is Practical Prep
Repurposing Prematurely Ended Campaigns
Festivals Give Campaigns Verisimilitude
The Purpose of GM Authority
Legends in Your Campaign
Reintroducing Creativity Into Your Prep
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Stronghold Builder's Guidebook Review
Perusing the shelves for Dungeons and Dragons Third Edition books? If you've come across the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook, I've got some advice before you buy it. Especially if your group isn't hardcore into that system.
Noncash Treasures for Player Characters
Riches don't consist strictly of coins. Don't gloss over all wealth as money – instead, view it as a way to enrich the verisimilitude of your campaign world. Add some complexity to those hoards! People can be rewarded with items, service or land just the same.
Secret Organizations and Potential Masterminds
Threading any given object or NPC into a campaign means that it can be destroyed by the party. Never introduce anything in the hopes that it won't be trampled underfoot – no matter how unlikely that is. How then does one create a secret organization within the world the PCs occupy?
Populating Your World With Somebodies
Portraying the rest of the world surrounding the party can seem quite the daunting task. You don't want it to seem dull yet you might not know who the characters will interact with. Instead of crafting each person or assuming people insignificant to the adventure are the same, make “types.”
Focused Prep is Practical Prep
While brainstorming is great for jumpstarting your imagination, creative meandering can detract greatly from your session preparation time. Creativity shouldn't be kept to a strict schedule, either. Here's how to make sure you have what you need prepared with limited segues.
Repurposing Prematurely Ended Campaigns
You know that campaign you put so much work into but it never got to finish? There's that wonderfully epic battle waiting for the party, but each of the players have all moved or aren't game to play anymore. If you can't reuse it, recycle it into it's own fictional work.
Festivals Give Campaigns Verisimilitude
Want to add body to your world without tangential side quests? Parades and banquets happen all over the world for many different reasons. Your players can give their characters some hard-earned rest and relaxation, unless something sinister awaits! Here are a few sample fêtes to get you started.
The Purpose of GM Authority
Why does the GM even need authority over the players? Can't the party just do whatever they want anyway? There's a balance which varies among parties and GMs across the board. Here are four reasons GMs need some control to help the game flow. Each is backed with responsibility to the group.
Legends in Your Campaign
The most incredible stories wind through people like currents, fueling their transfer from one person to the next. Travelers are introduced to locals via such storytelling as well. Done right, your players may keep your homemade legends alive. Here's how to plan your own legends.
Reintroducing Creativity Into Your Prep
Dragons don't all look alike. If they do, or worse yet, if they all look like a string of numbers and a grid outline – you might be suffering from rule-overload. The remedy is not halfway across the world or at the end of an epic quest, however. It's here at the click of a button.
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